Now showing items 1-10 of 28
Cognitive-behavioural psychological techniques to enhance golf performance under pressure
(Routledge, 2023-10-13)
Golfers face numerous psychological challenges when out on the course. This chapter provides a critical summary of the most frequently used cognitive-behavioural strategies, all of which are discussed and applied further, ...
Editorial: The impact of shared leadership on group functioning and performance
(Frontiers in Psychology, 2023-03-07)
Going online: how to enhance consultancy practice using digital technology
(Routledge, 2022-12-30)
The trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, now more than ever, is faced with the broadest range of communication, promotion and consulting formats ever seen in the profession. While this diversity of options can present ...
Sport psychology practitioner's perceptions and use of social media
(Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2022-12-19)
While sport psychologists have recently been encouraged to embrace digital technology and social media use in their practice, little is currently known about the associated benefits and challenges of adopting these ...
Player perceptions of athlete leadership and leadership development in an English Premier League football academy
(Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2022-12-19)
The effective leadership of, and within, sports teams has consistently been highlighted to be an important factor impacting upon a range of outcomes including team performance, and team functioning. However, while there ...
Athlete leadership development within teams: Current understanding and future directions
(Frontiers in Psychology, 2022-02-17)
Leadership has been shown to be a fundamental factor influencing the performance of sport teams. Within these teams, leadership can be provided by coaches, formal athlete leaders, such as team captains, and other ‘informal’ ...
Implementing and evaluating the practice environment model using action research
(International Sport Coaching Journal, 2021-09-03)
The psychological factors that influence performance in the practice environment, where competitive athletes engage in deliberate practice, have recently been given specific research attention. The current study employed ...
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of coach perceptions in the practice environment
(The Sport Psychologist, 2020-11-04)
The psychological environment where sporting activity is undertaken has been suggested to influence performance. The coach orchestrates practice activities and their perception of the psychological environment has been ...
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of performance influencing factors within the practice environment
(Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2020-06-30)
An individual’s perception of their competitive environment can shape their psychological experience and influence their performance. Influences from competitive performance environments have received considerably more ...
Editorial: Sport psychology services to professional athletes: working through COVID-19
(International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2020-05-21)